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Advice From Seasoned Cruisers

Baby Monitors: Not Always Reliable on Cruise Ships

Advice from Seasoned Cruisers

Interference Can Cause Issues

Parents planning to take their young children on a cruise should be aware that baby monitors may not work reliably on board. The metal walls of cruise ships can interfere with the radio signals used by most baby monitors, making it difficult or impossible to monitor a sleeping child from another room.

Alternatives to Consider

If you are concerned about being able to monitor your child on a cruise ship, there are a few alternatives to consider. You can bring a portable crib or bassinet into your cabin and place it next to your bed. This will allow you to hear your child if they wake up or need anything.

Another option is to use a walkie-talkie or cell phone to communicate with your partner or another family member who is staying in a different room. This way, you can check in on your child without having to leave your room.

Be Prepared

If you do decide to bring a baby monitor on your cruise, be sure to test it out before you leave home to make sure that it works properly. You should also bring extra batteries in case the batteries in your monitor die.


